Donor touches matter and paper is still your best bet. I have been seeing a lot of articles during the past year about COVID and work. Specifically, about how the pandemic has changed the way we work and the way we communicate. And honestly, how not? Organizations that were tied to an in-person environment had […]
The birds and bees of fundraising
“Mommy, where do major donors come from?” Well, dear, it’s a very special story. And you’re old enough now for me to share it with you. It begins with a group of people. They decide to work together to make something better. To be kinder to people or animals. To make beautiful things that everyone […]
Why is an annual giving program so scary?
Why is annual giving so scary? You need an annual giving program. Here’s why. I’ve noticed annual giving is sometimes treated as an afterthought. Sometimes, it’s not even a small part of an organization’s fundraising program. Some organizations prefer fundraising events or foundation grants to communicating with individuals. And some depend on government reimbursements for […]
Your annual giving toolkit – part two
Roll up your sleeves and get ready: here’s an annual giving toolkit Last week, I wrote about some of the ideas you need to create a successful annual giving program. Those form the thoughtful (and necessary) underpinning. This week, our focus will be more tactical – “hands-on”, if you like. An annual giving toolkit – […]
Your annual giving toolkit – part one
Annual giving is a process – and a toolkit can help To create a successful annual giving program, you need to think beyond the once-a-year appeal. Think about what you’ll need to succeed. Then put together the tools you’ll need. Fundraising is relationship-building. When your donors hear from you once a year – and that […]