Can we finally dispense with the idea of donor fatigue? Like that one leaf on an otherwise perfect green lawn, donor fatigue is an idea that just keeps blowing back into our world. And I wish we could kick it to the curb, today. A quick story: years ago, I was at a meeting, representing […]
Want to know how to cure donor fatigue?
Want to know how to cure donor fatigue? Donor fatigue. Is it real? I don’t buy it. To me, it’s a cop-out. An excuse for bad fundraising. Look, I’m sure many donors are tired of the solicitations they receive. But that’s because so much of what they get is irrelevant to them. Sending fewer appeals […]
Are donors tired – or just tired of you?
Your donors are tired… Were they for real? I was at a meeting with a number of organizations the other day, along with some fundraising consultants. During the course of the meeting, I was surprised to hear the respected counsel suggesting that the organizations cut back on their communications and solicitations with their donors. Why? […]