Confidence. About a year ago, I saved an article. Just tucked it away in a file. Written by Margie Warrell, the article is titled: The Confidence Gap: Six Ways Women Can Dismantle The Hurdles In Their Own Heads. Though her focus is on women, this may be a topic you have considered whatever your gender. […]
Are you a secret imposter?
I am an imposter. There. I said it. Out loud this time, instead of in my head. Recently, I was named one of LinkedIn’s Top Voices 2018: Philanthropy and Global Development. Pretty cool, right? And my first thought was, “Me? Why?” My second was “Oh no, now how do I live up to that?” Does […]
Do you have to be great to do good?
Have you ever wondered if you were good enough for your work? In our thirst for information, ideas, and improvement, we might be forgiven some pangs of inadequacy. I know you care about learning (you’re reading this, after all). And that’s absolutely necessary. But in the meantime, let me reassure you: You are good enough […]
Confidence: how to find what you need
Confidence: how to find what you need. Another morning. I sit at my desk, determined to get some good work done. But I’m certain I’ll miss the mark, somehow. I keep this quote from my friend and super-marketing speaker and strategist David Newman on my desk, hoping a daily reminder will sink in. It’s not that I […]
To my younger fundraising self – and maybe you
To my younger fundraising self – and maybe you I was an accidental fundraiser. There wasn’t a grand plan in place. It’s just that once I left one terrific regional theater, I wanted to work in another. And I felt the one area I hadn’t gotten a good look at was fundraising. I thought I’d […]