Are you bothering people or inspiring them?
So here we are – for fundraisers, this is the home stretch. The last weeks of the year. The most generous time of the year. (Cue the canned holiday music).
We’re thinking about giving and new starts and miracles. We want to picture ourselves as kind and generous people.
So why do I hear from so many fundraisers who fear they’re bothering their donors? “Let’s not send too many emails. We don’t want to turn them off.”
Offer something meaningful when you communicate
It’s less a question of frequency and more one of content and relevance. When someone receives your letter or email, are you one more thing to get done in the rush? Or does she eagerly read, happy to confirm what she wants to know: that she’s a good and generous person who can make someone else’s life better? Does she click or write a check, eager for the wonderful feeling of warmth she knows is coming?
If what you’re sending is a message about your organization and its need, chances are you’re bothering people, not inspiring them. Whether you send one or many appeals, they’ll all be met with the same unenthusiastic response.
But if your message is all about your donor – celebrating how generous she is, and what great things you know she can do – then your messages won’t be a burden, but a gift.
If you tell a gripping story – with your donor as the hero, because someone needs her help – that’s inspiring. If reading what you send makes her feel empowered, she won’t mind feeling wonderful again. And then one of your messages will come at just the right time. The time when she needs to make a gift.
(I’m not saying it’s impossible to send too many appeals. Of course, it’s possible. But most people I talk to worry about sending several emails between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve. Or two letters. That’s not going to be too much, if those appeals are worth reading.)
Make it easy to give
Once you’ve moved your donor to act, there’s another hurdle. Be sure you make giving easy. Don’t ask your donor to click multiple links in response to an email. Don’t ask for her life history. Every step you ask her to take moves her away from that warm feeling. Keep it emotional and simple.
If you’re sending mail, have the response form all but filled in. Print her information on it. You know her address – don’t ask your donor to fill it all out again. Include a picture that reinforces your story. Use a great headline, filled with emotion. Underline the urgent message of why she’s needed. Consider using a whole piece of paper for the response form so you can print in a font large enough to be read easily.
Actually, read this: Good advice from Claire Axelrad and Jeff Brooks about response forms.
In short, boring is a burden. Inspiring is not. Here’s a quick guide:
- Your budget
- Your fundraising goals
- A chance to be an extra in your drama
- Her kindness
- Her generosity
- A chance to star in the story
- A chance to change someone’s life
Remember: your organization is simply a means to an end. Step back a little. Focus on connecting the donor and the person who needs her. Make that connection as seamless as possible and you may have some happy year-end news to celebrate yourself.
Mary, thank you for continuing to be a champion of DONOR-CENTERED fundraising. I also thank you for writing about “inspiring” donors rather than “motivating” them. Some fundraisers think we can motivate prospective donors. The reality is, our prospects and donors come to us with their own set of motivations. It’s our job to inspire them, as you’ve said. Your post reminds me of the following quote from Lou Holtz, NCAA Hall of Fame coach:
“It’s not my job to motivate players. They bring extraordinary motivation to
our program. It’s my job not to de-motivate them.”
Thank you, Michael. I know we’re on the same page about donors! I appreciate you taking time to comment.
I love this article. You inspire me and empower me Mary. thank you!!
Thank you, Helen!
This reminds me of a talk I had with a coworker years ago about something similar. The best motivation, we decided, doesn’t come from without, from someone pushing our buttons with rewards and punishments. It comes from a spark within, and the outside force – here, the fundraiser – has to make that spark turn into a roaring fire that never goes out.
Yes. Yes. We don’t “make” people give. We can’t. But we can, hopefully, inspire them. Paint a picture – give them something that as you say, makes that spark turn into a roaring fire – or a gift.
Thank you, Paul, that’s great. And a little poetry for a rainy night…
Mary, actually, we CAN make people give. Muggers do it all the time. Sadly, some fundraising folks almost act like muggers. On the other hand, true development professionals recognize that they are philanthropy facilitators.