Do you have a shelf full of fundraising books you’ve skimmed, but not read? Is there always something more pressing to do? Or even the siren call of reading that isn’t about work?
I want to share a book that you’ll find delightful and practical today.
Yes, Lisa Sargent has written her book. And oh, what a book Thankology is!
I’m so fortunate to call Lisa a friend. She’s been a model and mentor to me for years. And this book is full of her kindness, generosity, and smarts. It’s beautiful.
Thanking people well matters… a lot
A great thank you helps your donors feel tied to your organization and its good work. It makes the donor feel good about themselves, and about giving.
It’s a crucial step in building better donor relationships… and raising more money.
Let me tell you a quick story. I had been a donor and volunteer with an organization for years. When my volunteer term ended, I had to decrease my gift. It was still a good-sized gift for me, mind you. Just not what I’d been giving.
My thank you? A tax receipt.
That’s all.
Honestly, it still stings like a slap in the face. Why would you do that to a donor?
If you’re wise, and if you care about your mission, you wouldn’t.
We can do so much better, and Lisa shows you how
Thankology reads like fiction… it’s a delight. But it’s also packed with practical tips and information. You can read it and put it to work immediately. But the beauty of the book is that it’s not just a list of “tips and tricks”. It’s full of love for you, the fundraiser (soon to be “thankologist” because of Lisa’s wisdom!)
And it’s full of the respect for donors, large and small, that’s too often hidden from them. Maybe you were told that your thank you needs to be “professional” (that is, emotionless). Or maybe sharing some honest emotion just feels weird to you.
Whatever is getting in your way… whatever is keeping you from showering your donors with appreciation and even love…
Lisa has the answer.
Small changes with big results
Lisa will show you how simple changes to your thank you program – when they’re sent, how they’re written, what to include with them – can result in big differences in donations and retention.
And if you’re thinking… yes, but I can’t write like Lisa! Well, few people on this earth can. But you can write a meaningful thank you. And you can build thanks into your whole program. You can do it all… and your donors will respond. Perfection may not be attainable. But kindness and gratitude are always there for you to use.
You can order the book here. And you won’t need to make room on your shelf for it yet. Because you’ll be sitting with it right away. And then you’ll want to keep it within reach. And soon, your donors will be feeling truly appreciated.
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