I don’t think the AI robots are taking over yet. You’ve probably heard all the buzz lately about the magic of AI. And perhaps it’s because I’m a writer, but I don’t think these are the answer to your fundraising copywriting needs… or not THE answer. AI: Garbage in… garbage out First, while it all […]
What does giving mean?
How do we define giving? In our own lives? With our friends and families? As fundraisers? Do our definitions differ? Tony Martignetti shared a fascinating, yet troubling, piece recently in Vox the other day. “What happened to giving money to charity?” looks at how the ultrawealthy are donating more, but it seems the rest of […]
I don’t owe you: why I’m not giving back
“I don’t owe you.” That’s what I thought as I opened the envelope. Makes me sound awful, doesn’t it? But let me explain. When you ask people to “give back” by making a gift to your organization, you’re setting up a relationship based on obligation. And transaction. Think carefully about whether that’s really what you […]
What you need to know about generosity
What you need to know about generosity How does generosity work and can we encourage it? For a long time, there has been a notion that humans are innately selfish. That our generous impulses are either foolish or part of a calculated plan to help ourselves. It makes some sort of sense. Our lizard brains, […]