Is your fundraising program lagging? Right now, employers are searching for great fundraising professionals. The current market means people looking for work are in a greater position of power. If your organization is looking, here are a few things to consider. Fundraising that succeeds requires investment I’ll wait here while that sinks in. You have […]
Did you miss the day fundraising took a vow of poverty?
Fundraisers – and fundraising – need to be funded. The pandemic has caused an interesting shake-up: many employers are struggling to find or keep employees. Meanwhile, the nonprofit sector has an unfortunate history of paying poorly – that matches up to a history of short stays for employees. (It always seems like the person who […]
Fundraising isn’t easy
Fundraising isn’t easy. And there are no magic shortcuts. My friend Ephraim reminded me of this recently. Nonprofit board members or even staff leaders suggesting fundraisers just… call Oprah. Or Bill. Or whats-his-name with the spaceship… That’s not how it works. Really. I’ve witnessed this firsthand, too. An arts organization, talking about the budget. And […]
Pay attention! You need these relationships if you want fundraising to succeed
Silos are death to fundraising relationships The more we learn about what works in fundraising today, the more we’re encouraged to focus on the donor’s journey or the donor’s experience. Customer service – something that has always been important – is suddenly getting more notice. That’s a really good thing. One thing guaranteed to hurt customer […]
How you can keep fundraising staff happy and effective
This post is for nonprofit leaders and fundraising staff. Executive directors. CEOs. Especially those of you who have had a hard time keeping good fundraisers around. Just for you, here’s a list of Do’s and a Don’t Do trust your fundraising staff Essential to any strong relationship is trust. And trust is also crucial to […]