These powerful triggers can raise more money.
I hadn’t joined a cult. I just wanted to remember these important triggers.
Last week, I wrote about the importance of emotion in your fundraising. It reminded me of the emotional triggers that raise more money. And that more than once have led to raised eyebrows.
You see, at my last two jobs, my desk was decorated with a list of seven emotional triggers. I posted them as a reminder as I created appeals. But they did concern colleagues who didn’t know what I was up to. One thought I might have joined a cult.
They didn’t need to worry. Because those triggers helped us raise more money. I honestly can’t remember whether it was Jeff Brooks or Tom Ahern who first tipped me off to these. And there are more. But these are the ones I focus on.
Here are these powerful triggers for you:
There’s a mix of positive and negative here so that you can use them as the occasion warrants. But use them. Because they’re powerful!
We act on emotion
These triggers work because we’re wired for emotion. We’ve evolved to use emotions to guide our decisions. Think of the utility of fear, for instance. When you’re suddenly faced with a predator, it’s a very good thing that you don’t have to wait to intellectually assess your situation. It’s far more basic and instinctive than that. Your fear has you running before you’ve even given it much thought. Thank your ancestors for that – the ones who didn’t learn didn’t make it.
Not too many of us are suddenly faced with a hungry lion.
But emotions are still primary in our modern lives. And that’s why these powerful, basic triggers put your message on the fast track to a decision.
[…] they provoke demand a response. So they help you bring in more donations. (You can read more about using emotional triggers in your appeals […]